The Woman Destroyed by Simone de Beauvoir

Three stories of failing relationships. It won't make you laugh or feel good about being single but it does offer some sense of comraderie to anyone who has ever had their heart broken. Beautifully written and honest.
Painted Elephant by Jill Hartman

Unrequited love, the saddest kind. An Indian elephant falls in love with a Wooden Maytag Man statue. With guest appearances from Nina Simone, Canadian poets and Greek myth, this book of poems can be read cover to cover in under an hour, but set aside 2 because you will want to read it again.
Women by Charles Bukowski

Portrays men as women trading dirtbags and women as wetnaps who allow it to happen. Nuff said.
Candide by Voltaire

A classic, mocks romance and its effect on people. Though romance is not the center of the plot which makes this a great/must read for anyone.
The Book of Samson by David Maine

Because don't we all want to tear down a city after someone we love betrays us? This is, in no way, a biblical tale. David Maine takes the story of Samson and makes him a monstrous brute with a self distructing temper that erupts shortly after the beguiling Delilah enters his life.