It began last month with everyone cracking jokes, "I though the rhyme went: April showers bring May flowers...not more showers!" which ceased to be a joke after May passed and it continued raining all through June. That's right, it has been raining for 2 whole months, seemingly nonstop. And though I'd love nothing more than to be outside right now, riding my bike or picnicking on the beach, sometimes staying in is just as fun.
Last night a very special boy and I made homemade pizza which, aside from the crust, contained no traditional toppings, and watched a funny movie. I also made this chocolate torte which was so good I plan on abandoning everything in my life to elope with it...or at least to eat it on my birthday/wedding and also breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
What do you do to beat the rainy day blues?
kiss? bake? take a bubble bath? watch funny videos?