Now this blog is about the things I love and those that are dear to my heart, but sometimes we have to let those things go. Let's talk breakups. No, I'm not talking about a split from your sweetie but a breakup from something else that you love that is bringing you down. Running is one of my greatest pleasures (yes, some people may think that's crazy). In my opinion, there's nothing better than hitting the pavement and just taking off. But after averagine about 50 miles a week, I developed Plantar Fasciitis and had to take several months off, and now, after attempting to ease back in, I'm plagued by Shin Splints. So I have to wonder, is this the end of my love affair with running? Should I just deal, continue to dish out Doctor fees and possibly hurt myself more or is it about time I retire my sneaks and make better friends with the elliptical? Tell me, dear readers, have you ever suffered a bad "breakup"? Maybe you ended things with mac and cheese after your pants went up one too many sizes. Maybe those amazing, designer boots were just not worth the blisters you developed. How did you cope? Is there anything with which you wouldn't dream of breaking up, no matter the pain?